Importing Requisitions
We are interested in importing requisitions, through an external document.
Knowledge transfer
NOTE: Use below XML example (under Additional Information) to create own template described in steps highlighted below
Create an XML file template
Dump data into Excel
Import XML File template using the Developer tab
Map the xml fields with the data in Excel worksheet
Export new XML file
Log into Munis and open the Requisition Import program
Click Define, choose Munis XML Format and select newly created XML File
Click on Import
If errors exist, review/print error report and resolve errors
If Munis prompts with no errors found, select Yes or No to continue with import
Review Requisition Import report listing newly created requisitions
Review requisitions created in either Requisition Entry or Requisitions program to continue processing transactions
There has been interest in a requisition import process that is more user friendly, that does not rely on XML formatting, and is customizable by end users. That topic is currently being explored as a potential option for future development under work ticket MUN-490260. Until a time such that this work ticket has been committed and made generally available, the only processes for importing requisitions that are available are outlined in the above block of text, and an example of that import raw data file is outlined below.
Below is a sample XML file used for importing a requisition:
<RequisitionImport> <Transaction> <TransactionID>1</TransactionID> <TransactionType>GI</TransactionType> <RequisitionNumber></RequisitionNumber> <TransactionDateTime></TransactionDateTime> <FiscalDate>2018/10/22</FiscalDate> <FiscalYear>2019</FiscalYear> <Dept>CO</Dept> <Status></Status> <PreEncumbranceID></PreEncumbranceID> <GenComment>Library Supplies</GenComment> <RequisitionDescription></RequisitionDescription> <UserID>alex.rollins</UserID> <NeededBy></NeededBy> <VendorID>1196</VendorID> <ShipTo></ShipTo> <ShipToEmail></ShipToEmail> <BillTo></BillTo> <BillToEmail></BillToEmail> <TaxAmount></TaxAmount> <ShippingAndHandlingAmount></ShippingAndHandlingAmount> <ShipReference></ShipReference> <WorkOrder></WorkOrder> <WorkOrderTask></WorkOrderTask> <GeneralCom></GeneralCom> <ThreeWayMatchRequired></ThreeWayMatchRequired> <FourWayMatchRequired></FourWayMatchRequired> <InspectedBy></InspectedBy> <Buyer></Buyer> <SpecialHandlingCode></SpecialHandlingCode> <GeneralNotes> <Line>General note 1</Line> </GeneralNotes> <UserDefined> <DataFieds></DataFields> </UserDefined> <Items> <Item> <RequisitionItemSequenceNumber>1</RequisitionItemSequenceNumber> <ItemName>Book Carts</ItemName> <SupplierPartNumber></SupplierPartNumber> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <UOM>EACH</UOM> <InvItemCode></InvItemCode> <ItemType>P</ItemType> <Commodity></Commodity> <WarehouseCode></WarehouseCode> <UnitPrice>199.99</UnitPrice> <ShippingAndHandlingAmount></ShippingAndHandlingAmount> <TaxAmount></TaxAmount> <DetailWorkOrder></DetailWorkOrder> <DetailWorkOrderTask></DetailWorkOrderTask> <GeneralNotes> <Line>1</Line> </GeneralNotes> <Accounts> <Account> <OrgCode>1</OrgCode> <ObjCode>32250</ObjCode> <ProjCode></ProjCode> <LongAccount> <ProjectString></ProjectString> <ProjectStringType></ProjectStringType> <Amount>399.98</Amount> </Account> </Accounts> </Item> </Items> </Transaction> </RequisitionImport>