Is there a way to disable Tyler Coach
How do I turn off Tyler Coach?
Enterprise ERP
Tyler Coach
Tyler Coach suggestions do not match site procedures.
Tyler Coach settings are found in Hub and within Enterprise ERP. To disable Tyler Coach:
Launch the environment where you wish to make the change (example Enterprise ERP Train)
Disable Tyler Coach in Hub
Settings > Administration
System Settings > Feature Configuration > Tyler Coach
Toggle Enabled off
Click Save
Disable Tyler Coach in Enterprise ERP
Enterprise ERP > System Administration > General Administration > System Settings
Click Site Settings
Click the Application Integration Tab
Choose Update
Uncheck Tyler Coach is enabled.
Click Accept
Before turning off Tyler Coach, consider the following:
Content in Test and Production do not use a scenario or provide information on what individuals should select. Coach stops at every field and describes the field.
Content in Train does use simple prompts for comment tasks. These might not match your site's procedures.
Content in the Implementation environment can be set to either the Production or Train style of assistance.
Access is managed by environment. Tyler Coach can be disabled in Train and enabled in Production and Test, for example.
We encourage feedback to improve Tyler Coach. Contact us atÂ