Best way to track non-payroll volunteers beyond Employee Master

Best way to track non-payroll volunteers beyond Employee Master

Description of Issue

We want to start tracking additional information for non-payroll volunteers/board members, vendors, etc.  Our system is currently set-up for Supervisor-by-Position, so this would require our volunteers/non payroll to be assigned a position code.

  • Payroll

  • Non-Payroll / Volunteers




Create a set of “non-payroll” information so you can create employee records while still preventing a scenario where the employee could be inadvertently pulled into a Payroll and receive a check.

Tyler recommends the following:  

  • Add a Base Pay type in Pay Master

    • If you typically use a 3 digit Pay code (as is most common), consider using a 1 or 2 digit code for the non-pay Pay, just to additionally differentiate.

    • Select option D-Non-Cash Exclude from Gross in the Non-Cash field

    • Enter 0 in the Factor and Comp Factor fields.  

  • Add a Group/BU code specifically for non-payroll, such as ‘NOPR’.

  • Add a Salary Table linked to the non-payroll Group/BU as follows:

    • Use a non-payroll-specific Grade/Rank, such as NPR

    • Pay Basis = Hourly

    • Pay Frequency = Annual

    • Pay Calc Code = 01 (Hourly Rate)

    • ALL remaining fields on the screen should be set to 0, with the exception of Comment

  • Create one or more Job Class codes (like NPR1, NPR2, etc) as follows:  

    • In the Group/BU and Base Pay fields, enter your non-payroll codes

    • Check mark Position Control

    • Do not check mark Non-Payroll.  Selecting this option will prevent you from creating an Employee Job/Salary record with this Job Class code.

    • On the Salary tab, set Salary Table to Yes and populate the Grade/Step details for the non-payroll salary table you created. 

  • Create one or more Position Codes linked to your non-payroll Job Class, Group/BU, Salary Table and Grade/Rank details. 

  • Reference How to create Employee Groups

    • Create a non-payroll Employee Group code ZZZZ. 

    • Create a record for each non-payroll empployee in Employee Groups for the ZZZZ Group code you created.

  • Exclude the ZZZZ Employee Group from your Payroll Warrants.  With this in place, the employee cannot be manually added to a Payroll Warrant using the Add option in the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program.  Use the following steps to add this setting as a default for each of your Payroll Run Codes: 

    • Open the Payroll Control Settings program. 

    • Select Accept.

    • Select Run Control.

    • Select Generate Defaults

    • Select Update.

    • Enter ZZZY in the Employee Group To field.

    • Select Accept.

    • Select Back.

    • Go to the next Payroll Run Control record.

    • Repeat the steps above until the default has been set for each of your Run Control codes.

    • The next time a Warrant is created in the Payroll Start and Status program, the new Employee Group field will default as defined above. 

  • Once these pieces are in place, create the employee records you need, using the details created above.

Additional Information