Tyler University is now Tyler Coach

Tyler University is now Tyler Coach

Description of Issue

Did Tyler University change or go away recently?

  • Tyler University

  • Tyler Coach

  • Online Education


Tyler Coach has become the primary learning management software in Enterprise ERP.


Why would we rename such a popular feature?

  • Tyler has two versions of Tyler University and customers using multiple products find the differences confusing. None of the features are going away, instead, Enterprise ERP’s Tyler University is being renamed.

Why call it Tyler Coach?

  • Simply put, Tyler Coach is much more than learning how to use the system. Tyler Coach sits on top of your programs. This allows the Tyler Coach team to not only build classes that walk you through a process, but also quickly deploy important messages as needed. For example, during W2 season, Tyler Coach pushed out a shout out message providing access to W2 information. You will see Tyler Coach in action announcing Major Enhancements in a program. Tyler Coach also provides in-field guidance in areas that may cause confusion in the form of a small blue “I” next to a field. It does all of this quickly and without needing system administrators to install an update.

Is Tyler University still around?

  • Yes. For Enterprise ERP users, if you use other products, such as Enterprise Permitting and Licensing or Content Manager, you will still be able to log into the Tyler University site and have access to learning content related to those products.

  • The main difference: Tyler Coach is available within the Enterprise ERP application and accessible on-screen as you are working.

Additional Information

Please email coach@tylertech.com if you have any questions or you would like more information.

Tyler University to Tyler Coach Announcement on Tyler Community.

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