Determine a User ID

Determine a User ID

Description of Issue

Need to know what a specific user's User ID is in Enterprise ERP. 

  • EERP 

  • System Admin 

  • User ID


Some programs prompt the user to enter their User ID as a password. The User ID is different than the username and is not an email. User IDs usually take the form of NNNNxxxx where NNNN = the site number and xxxx equals the user's first initial and first three characters of their last name. Example: John Smith at Site 4444 = 4444jsmit. 

  • One of the simplest ways a user can determine their User ID is to look at the top right corner of any document they have printed from EERP. The User ID is displayed here under the date and time. 

  • If a printed report is not available, the user can navigate to: Departmental Functions > My Saved Reports. The User ID is displayed next to each saved report in the User ID column. 

  • If a user cannot determine their User ID on their own, a System Administrator can navigate to: System Administration > Security > User Attributes, click Search and enter the user's name. After clicking Accept, the user should display along with their User ID at the top of the page. 

Additional Information

Please reach out to the appropriate support team if additional assistance is required.