Can you Crosswalk one EERP Pay code to more than one NYSLRS Earnings Codes

Description of Issue

We have one pay type that needs to crosswalk to two different Earnings codes REG and EAR, how do we accomplish this?

  • Payroll

  • New York

  • NYSLRS Report


Elected Officials and Appointed employees using the same pay type as regular employees


Crosswalking an EERP Pay code to a NYSLRS Earnings Code tells EERP how to report those earnings.  You can't Crosswalk one EERP Pay code to more than one NYSLRS Earnings Code because that leaves EERP with no way of knowing when to use which NYSLRS code.

The recommendation is to create a new pay type for the Elected/Appointed employees. 

If you don't create a new pay type, you will need to manually correct the Earnings Codes using the Update option in the NYSLRS Earnings Period Records as needed.

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