What do I enter in NHRS Pay Period Maintenance

What do I enter in NHRS Pay Period Maintenance

Description of Issue

The Tyler notes are not very detailed when it comes to what is required for the formatting.

  • Payroll

  • New Hampshire

  • NHRS Report



The Pay Period Maintenance details are required by NHRS and not Tyler.

NHRS expects the data in your monthly file to be reported pay period by pay period.  If an employee has 2 biweekly payrolls in the reporting month, you will see two lines in the submission file for this employee.  If you process payrolls for more than one Pay Frequency, you submit a Batch to NHRS for each of them. Pay Period Maintenance correlates EERP/Munis payrolls to the NHRS specific details required in the submission file.

A Pay Period Maintenance record needs to be created before the start of each NHRS Fiscal year, for each Employer ID you report for.  It must include all Scheduled Batch details and may include any Unscheduled Batch details.  At a minimum, you’ll create a line in the record for each pay period, by Pay Frequency. 

The Pay Period Begin Date, Pay Period End Date and Pay Date will correlate to each regular EERP/Munis Payroll Warrant, by Frequency.

Pay Period ID is required by NHRS, but not provided by NHRS and they do allow you to use the same Pay Period ID value for every batch.  You have total control over the Pay Period ID value.

Batch Number, Batch Name and Batch Type are provided to you by NHRS.  If you are not sure which values belong in these fields, please reach out to NHRS and they can provide the guidance you need.

These details are used to tell the Generate which Batch Number, Batch Name, Batch Type and Pay Period ID to use in the NHRS file, for each EERP/Munis Payroll Warrant.  The Check Date from the Warrant, coupled with the employee’s Pay Frequency from Employee Job/Salary is used to find the matching Pay Period Maintenance record for the Employer ID.

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