How to stop employees from requesting accruals via ESS Time Off and Time Entry that they have not yet Accrued

Description of Issue

How do we stop employees from requesting accruals via ESS Time Off and Time Entry that they have not accrued yet?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Employee Self Service

  • ESS

  • Time Entry

  • Time Off

  • EERP Versions 2019+


The setting Allow Negative Balance is enabled in the Accrual Tables program.

  1. Navigate to Accrual Tables 

    1. EERP > HCM > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Accrual Tables

  2. Click Search in the tool bar

  3. Search for applicable Table

  4. Click on the Options tab

  5. Click Update in the tool bar

  6. Uncheck the box for Allow Negative Balance

  7. Click Accept in the tool bar

Additional Information
  • Users will now receive the Your request of XX exceeds the limit of x.xxxx warning when they submit a time request that exceeds their accrued time.

  • Please reach out to Human Resources Support with any additional questions.