How to manually push App and Firmware files to TouchTime 3 clocks

Description of Issue

How to push firmware files manually to TouchTime 3

  • Time and Attendance

  • ExecuTime

  • TouchTime 3

  • TouchTime III




*NOTE: Each file will make the Timeclocks clock emulator reboot; Push the next file after the clocks emulator reboot is complete

*NOTE: TouchTime firmware files can be found where the Time and Attendance application is installed: Drive:\Instance\System\Timeclock\Firmware\Touchtime

  1. Locate and launch the TFTP utility

    1. Drive:\Instance\System\ClockPolling\tftpd64.400\tftpd64.exe

    2. Double-click the zip folder

    3. Double-click the tftpd64.exe and on the pop up, select Run to open the tool

  2. Select Tftp Client tab

  3. Populate the Host field with the IP address of target clock

  4. Populate Local File field by clicking the ellipse button, navigating, and then selecting the Classes.jar file

  5. Populate Remote file field with \flashdisk\Classes.jar

  6. Click Put

  7. Wait for transfer to complete, click OK on success message

  8. Populate Local File field by clicking the ellipse button, navigating, and then selection the Emulator.jar file

  9. Populate Remote file field with \flashdisk\Emulator.jar

  10. Click Put

  11. Wait for transfer to complete, click OK on success message

  12. Populate Local File field by clicking the ellipse button, navigating, and then choosing the EmulatorService.jar file

  13. Populate Remote file field with \flashdisk\EmulatorService.jar

  14. Click Put

  15. Wait for transfer to complete, click OK on success message

*NOTE: TouchTime App file can be found where the Time and Attendance application is installed: Drive:\Instance\System\Timeclock\App

*NOTE: TouchTime App file does not have to be manually pushed with firmware files unless the timeclock is being upgraded to a newer release. 

  1. Locate and launch the TFTP utility

    1. Drive:\Instance\System\ClockPolling\tftpd64.400\tftpd64.exe

    2. Double-click the zip folder

    3. Double-click the tftpd64.exe and on the pop up, select Run to open the tool

  2. Select Tftp Client tab

  3. Populate Host field with IP address of target clock

  4. Populate Local File field by clicking the ellipse button, navigating, and then selecting the App.jar file

  5. Populate Remote file field with \flashdisk\App.jar

  6. Click Put

  7. Wait for transfer to complete, click OK on success message

Additional Information

Speed of file transfers to clocks will vary from clock to clock