DocOrigin File structure
DocOrigin processes data files through different server folders within the FolderMonitor folder on the Forms Server.
The DocOrigin file structure within the FolderMonitor folder uses each folder for the following purpose:
Instance | Name | Function |
1 | PO | General Printing of PO, Year End Tax Forms |
2 | AP | AP Printing of AP Checks, EFT Notice |
3 | HR | HR Printing Payroll Checks, Advices |
4 | GB | GB Printing of Invoices, Statements |
5 | UB | UB Printing of Production UB Bills, Final Notices, Demands, Liens |
6 | Tax | Tax Printing of all Production Tax Forms |
7 | BL | BL Printing of Business Licenses and Applications |
8 | Internal | Internal Printing of PAF, Work Orders, Pick Tickets |
9 | Expansion | Expansion1 Future Use 1 |
10 | Expansion2 | Expansion2 Future Use 2 |
11 | Munis Attachments | Previously used for All Fax Jobs, now only used to Print and Email Generic Munis attachments |
12 | Previously used for All Email Jobs, will now also be used to process email to fax jobs | |
13 | TCM | TCM All TCM Jobs |
14 | Front Desk | Front Desk Printing of Receipts, Permits and single reprints |
15 | Preprocess | PreProcess Special processing needs for TDF/XSL for any job |
16 | Redirect | Redirect using –aji from scripts |