Reverse Preliminary Tax Bill Run

Reverse Preliminary Tax Bill Run

Description of Issue

A preliminary tax bill run was completed and needs to be reversed. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Preliminary Tax
  • MA Tax 
  • NH Tax 
  • Preliminary Generate Accounts Receivable (txrpgnar)
  • Preliminary Commitment Book (txprecom) 
  • Create Preliminary Taxes (txmkprlm)
  • Generate New Tax Year (txmktxyr)

There was an issue with one or all of the Preliminary Tax steps. 

  1. Start by reversing the Preliminary Generate Accounts Receivable using the following guide: Reverse Preliminary Tax Generate Accounts Receivable
  2. If necessary, reverse the Preliminary Commitment Book next: Reverse Preliminary Commitment Book
  3. If Transfer Delinquent to Tax was run or Special Assessments/Betterments were applied to bills, reverse these now. 
  4. If necessary, reverse the Create Preliminary Taxes step: Reverse Create Preliminary Taxes
  5. The Generate New Tax Year and Import CAMA programs can be re-run if necessary after reversing Create Preliminary Taxes. The Tax Year Setting Process Status for the Year and AR Category needs to be a 1 to re-run these processes. 
Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support. 

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