Reverse Preliminary Tax Bill Run
Reverse Preliminary Tax Bill Run
Description of Issue
A preliminary tax bill run was completed and needs to be reversed.
- Property Tax Billing
- Preliminary Tax
- MA Tax
- NH Tax
- Preliminary Generate Accounts Receivable (txrpgnar)
- Preliminary Commitment Book (txprecom)
- Create Preliminary Taxes (txmkprlm)
- Generate New Tax Year (txmktxyr)
There was an issue with one or all of the Preliminary Tax steps.
- Start by reversing the Preliminary Generate Accounts Receivable using the following guide: Reverse Preliminary Tax Generate Accounts Receivable
- If necessary, reverse the Preliminary Commitment Book next: Reverse Preliminary Commitment Book
- If Transfer Delinquent to Tax was run or Special Assessments/Betterments were applied to bills, reverse these now.
- If necessary, reverse the Create Preliminary Taxes step: Reverse Create Preliminary Taxes
- The Generate New Tax Year and Import CAMA programs can be re-run if necessary after reversing Create Preliminary Taxes. The Tax Year Setting Process Status for the Year and AR Category needs to be a 1 to re-run these processes.
Additional Information
If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.