What is the Tyler Deploy Health Monitor
There is a product running daily under automatic updates in Tyler Deploy. What is the Tyler Deploy Health Monitor and why is it running daily?
Tyler Systems Management OnPrem
Preventative Maintenance
System Monitoring
TSM Support is now using the Tyler Deploy Health Monitor for preventative maintenance in place of our legacy checkscripts that were installed directly on the server.
The health monitor is included in a Tyler Systems Management Support contract.
If your site does not have one, please reach out to your sales representative to inquire.
By using the Tyler Deploy Health Monitor, we are able to both remotely install and execute the Health Monitor on the Munis ERP servers without needing to connect remotely.
The Tyler Deploy Health Monitor scans for the same things the checkscript does:
Websites vital to business operations (Hub, Munis, TCM, ESS, etc.)
Server disk space
SQL backups
Munis FourJ's license
SSL certificate expiration
To ensure the functionality of the Health Monitor, it is important that the Octopus Deploy Tentacle Service is running on ALL Munis ERP servers at ALL times.
The health monitor is only supported on Munis ERP servers and their related products:
Example: Self Service, TCM, and Cashiering to name a few.