Check Database Size

Check Database Size

Description of Issue

The size of a database needs to be checked

How large is our database?

  • SSMS

  • Database

  • Query


The size of a database needs to be checked

  1. Log into the database server

  2. Open SSMS

  3. Drop down the Databases menu item

  4. Find the desired database from the list

    1. Option 1:

      1. Right click database name > New Query

      2. Copy/paste the following query

        1. exec sp_spaceused

      3. Click Execute or F5

      4. Review database_size and unallocated space

    2. Option 2:

      1. Right click database name > Reports Standard Reports > Disk Usage

      2. Expand Disk Space Used by Data Files

      3. Review Space Reserved and Space Used

    3. Option 3:

      1. Right click database name > Properties

        1. Review Size and Space Available

Additional Information

If you are concerned about a database size, please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal