AR Cube Failure Due To Ambiguous Column Name
AR Cube Failure Due To Ambiguous Column Name
Description of Issue
AR Cube failing with the error Ambiguous column name ‘Comment’. during the JorunalAccountPairs query.
DFT - Load stg_AR_JournalAccountPairs:Error: SSIS Erros Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred.
The batch could not be analyzed because of compile errors.
Ambiguous column name 'Comment.'
Accounts Receivable
AR Cube
Step 3 Cube
A table is not specified in a SQL query that is running. The query needs to be corrected.
Development is currently working on correcting this issue. Please contact General Billing Support for additional updates.
Additional Information
To determine why a Cubes Job is failing, please see: Generate An Error Report For Failed Cubes Job