Content Manager Upgrade Fails On Check Free Disk Space Step - Full Error

Description of Issue

Content Manager Upgrade Fails On Check Free Disk Space Step with the error below: 

Check Free Disk Space
The step failed: The operation was canceled.     Fatal 2024-08-01 11:31:04 PM 
The operation was canceled.     Info 2024-08-01 11:31:04 PM

Drive X on host computer XXXXX has less than 5000 MB free. Is it full?     

  • Tyler Content Manager (TCM)
  • TCM Server
  • Upgrade
  • Disk

Drive available space is less than 5000 MB

  1. Access the Content Manager server
  2. Clear space on the drive listed on the error. Clearing Disk Space on a TCM Server
    1. Note: If the drive has less than 5000 MB free, the alert will continue.
  3. Rerun the upgrade How to Run or Schedule an Update in Tyler Deploy for a Product
Additional Information

For further assistance, please contact Tyler Systems Management support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal