Bill Adjustment in UBCIS

Description of Issue

A Bill needs to be adjusted


  • Bill Adjustments


Needs to adjust a bill to the correct amount


In the Tyler Menu navigate to Property Revenues >Utility Billing >Bill Processing >Bill Adjustments

  1. Search for the bill you want adjusted. Click Accept

  2. It will show the different charges associated with the bill, Go to the charge(s) you want to adjust.

  3. Click Update

  4. Fill in the Bill adjustment reason code. Click Accept

  5. Enter the adjustments. Click Accept

  6. You will get the following message: Recalculate subject to amounts? Click Yes

  7. Click Save or Output.

  8. Click Release/Post

  9.  If you did not Print the Adjustments. You will receive the following message:

    1. Some adjustments have not yet been printed. Are you sure you want to release/post without printing?

    2.  You can click No and save the adjustment or Click Yes to continue to the next step.

  10.  Add a reference number. Click Accept

Additional Information