Testing Emails in non-production environment
When processing an Enterprise Form Email from Test or Train environment to test if the emails will send to employees, all the individual emails are going to one user's email.
System Administration
System Settings
Email Override Configuration
Enteprise Forms
ReadyForms Delivery Definition
Email Step
Static Email
Email not working
For security purposes, the default setting for when Forms emails are processed from a Non-Production environment is for emails to not go out to Employees, Customer or Vendors.
To test emails from a non-production environment, the Override option or a Static email address can be set:
Go to System Administration>General Administration>System Settings
Click Email Override Configuration in the toolbar.
If the Override Enabled checkbox is checked the emails will always go to the mailbox configured on that screen.
f the Override Enabled should be checked but emails need to send to another User, click Update and define the correct email address. Click Accept
To disable this option click Update, uncheck the checkbox then click Accept.
This allows to test emails to a static email address defined on the RF Delivery Definition: Send Email To Options in Enterprise Forms Delivery Definition
In this situation "Force Email" should also be set: When to use Force Email or Force to Print in the Enterprise Forms Delivery Definition Step
The Override Enable checkbox is described as:
Prevents the non-production system from sending email messages.
Note: when the Override option is enabled and a test payroll is processed, all employee advice emails will send to that user's email individually. (Example is there are 500 employees setup to received emailed advices, the override email will get 500 emails)
These settings are not applied to DocOrigin Forms with Tyler Forms. Those settings are built into the Form and applied automatically.
To add an Email Step: Add Email Step to Enterprise Forms Delivery Definition
If emails fail, review Email Log for possible issue: Enable Email Logging for ReadyForms within Munis 2019 and above
Emailing Invoices or Statements : ReadyForm will not Email unless Force Email checkbox is enabled on Delivery Definition
EERP (Munis) Email relay configurations: Munis Email - Email section in the System Settings is not setup or setup incorrectly