MUERROR The general ledger effective date is not valid

MUERROR The general ledger effective date is not valid

Description of Issue

Error message went processing payments in Cashiering:

 MUERROR: The general ledger effective date is not valid. This needs to be corrected in order to post payments when trying to process payment.

  • Tyler Cashiering
  • Munis
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • General Ledger Settings
  • Journal Number Control
  • User Attributes
  • Cashiering batch effective date does not match the General Ledger default period.
  • User only has permission to process payments within the default period.
  • Journal Number Control was not copied over to the new fiscal year.

Assess what the effective date of the failed Cashiering payment is. If the effective date is from a previous or future month, see the permissions section below. The remainder of this article will assume the effective date is within the current month.

Review the Journal Number Control to assess the year and period date ranges.

  1. Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu Miscellaneous Set Up Journal Number Control
  2. Click Search in the ribbon 
  3. Input year into Fiscal year field
  4. Accept
  5. Notate the period with the current date range

If there are no values listed in Journal Number Control for the current fiscal year, it will need to be copied. 

Review the default year and period in General Ledger settings.

  1. Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up/Chart of Accounts > General Ledger Settings 
  2. Assess if the Default year/period match the year and period for the current date range in Journal Number Control.
    1. If they do not match, there are a two options to allow the user to process payments in Cashiering. 
      1. Have the site's finance department update the GL default period if appropriate. Sometimes the default period may intentionally not match the current date range. 
      2. Modify the users EERP permissions to allow payment processing outside of the default period.

 To modify user's permissions to allow for payment processing outside of the default period:

  1. Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes
  2. Search for user
  3. Highlight relevant role
    1. Any changes to a role will impact all users in the role
  4. Click Edit Role below the roles
  5. Select the yellow folder next to General Ledger
  6. Click Update
  7. To allow payments in any period, check on Override accounting period
  8. To allow payments in a specified rage of periods, adjust the number of periods for Allow transactions in periods prior to the default and/or Allow transactions in periods beyond the default to the amount of periods desired
  9. Accept

If the above resolutions do not work, add a Username Override for the User to Cashiering. 

An additional option would be to have a user who has permission to process payments outside of the default period process the payment. 

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