Updating Employee Limit amount for a Garnishment Deduction

Updating Employee Limit amount for a Garnishment Deduction

Description of Issue

An employee has a garnishment that has spanned over several years in a prior system. After moving to Munis the total garnishment limit is defined, however the employee has almost met that amount overall. How do I change the limit to make sure they do not get over withheld but still show what the original garnishment amount was?

  • Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Employee Deductions

  • Payroll Audit Inquiry



The limit will need to be updated to reflect the limit amount since moving to Munis so the employee is not over withheld. 

  1. Go to Employee Deductions (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions

  2. Search for the employee and Deduction code. Click Accept

  3. Click Update

  4. Change the Employee Limit amount. Click Accept

The change would be in the audit to see what the original amount was. 

Additional Information