Find Users Who Have Access To Program on Munis Menu

Description of Issue

How can I see who has access to something on the Tyler Menu?


Munis all versions


Roles with Menu Security enabled are assigned to users granting or limiting access

  1. Browse to Munis > System Administration > General Administration > Menu Settings

  2. Double click on the menu directory needed to drill down to the needed program, repeat until needed program found.

    • Example: System Administration > Workflow Administration to see Pending Actions or Pending Actions (Administration Mode) This brings up the Menu ID: workadmn.

  3. Select Role Access button

    • Every Role in Munis displays with a check box next to the roles that have this Menu ID

  4. Review marked roles individually to see specific program access granted under this Menu ID for the assigned users to roles.

Additional Information

Sites are responsible for user administration of menu access