Upgrading to Enterprise ERP 2019.1 or higher and clicking the paperclip results in generic attachments

Description of Issue
  • Upgraded to 2019.1+ Enterprise ERP (Munis) and when clicking on the paperclip in any program it launches Munis generic attachments and not TCM.

  • Launching TCM results in generic attachments being seen

  • Why is this an issue after upgrading?

  • CM

  • Content Manager

  • TCM

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • Attachments

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Munis

  • Generic Attachments

  • Tyler Systems Management

  • TSM


In earlier versions, almost every Munis screen had a Generic Attachment type that users could use to attach files to their Munis records. The only information being stored in TCM for a Generic Attachment is a special key Munis uses to link the Munis record to the file attachment, a user defined description, a user defined public flag, and a date. Once translated to their Document Type Attachment counter parts, they will have additional searchable data automatically included within TCM. For example a Generic Attachment on a Vendor record will gain Vendor Number, Vendor Name, and FID; all of which are searchable.

  • We strongly advise not to change these settings. Please contact support if you have questions in regards to your document storage options.

  • 2019.1+ Munis has a new Multi-Launch Feature which launches multiple mappings at once unlike previous versions of Munis where only one mapping could be launched at a time. With this change the paperclip options changed and if you are a site that is still configured to store Munis generic attachments to the Munis server, the paperclip will launch these generic attachments when you click the paperclip directly until you migrate/translate your attachments to TCM attachments. 

  • Reach out to Tyler Systems Management to request a migration/translation if you previously stored to Munis generic attachments and wish to store all documents to TCM.

Additional Information

For additional information about the Translation/Migration process and frequently asked questions, please see this document: TCM Translation Frequently Asked Questions.docx

For Additional Information about the Multi-Launch Feature please see this document: Munis-TCM Multi-Launch Doc Types.pdf