Converting the Grade Rank on a Salary Table

Description of Issue
  • How do you change the Grade/Rank on a salary table?

  • Can I update the grade in the salary tables?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Salary Tables

  • Position Control

  • Job Class Master

  • Employee Job Salary



Can either add a new Salary Table with the new Grade/Rank, or Copy an existing Salary Table and enter the new Grade/Rank.  To copy:

  1. Access the Salary Tables screen (Human Resources > Position Control and Budgeting > Salary Tables)

  2. Search for the most recent table for the existing grade

  3. Click Copy

  4. Enter the new Grade/Rank and make any other changes as needed

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information
  • After setting up the new Salary Table with the new Grade/Rank, update the Min Grade and Max Grade as needed in Position Control and in Job Class Master.  And then change the Grade in Employee Job Salary.

  • A site may want to convert the Grade/Rank in Train or Test first for testing before converting the records in Live.