LA PEP - How do I create EdLink Staff Course Offering extracts multiple times a year

Description of Issue

LDOE is now requiring us to report staff course offering extracts multiple times a year, but we can only create these extracts in Munis using the October reporting option. 

  • Payroll

  • Louisiana

  • LA PEP


The Staff Course Offering files require data that lives on the PEP Maintenance record and not on the Class Schedule record so it needs a PEP Maintenance record for each Class Schedule emp. 

The program was looking for a PEP Maintenance record with a matching Report Month/Year.  


Under (master) work ticket MUN-438332, this was changed to look for any record with just a matching Year. 

Install work ticket MUN-438332 for your Munis Version and make sure employees have at least one PEP Maintenance record for the reporting year. 

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