When Duplicating a Base Pay any Calc Code 60 additional pays default with Pay Start Date 01-01-1900 instead of base pay Pay Start Date

Description of Issue

When duplicating a base pay in Employee Job/Salary, the additional pay types linked to that base pay that are a calc code 60 flat amount are defaulting in with a Pay Start Date of 01/01/1900 instead of the base pay start date. 

  • Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Pay Master


System Defect.


Install applicable Work Ticket when completed.

MUN-446661 - 2019.1.22

MUN-446662 - 2021.3.0

MUN-446664 - 2021.4.0

MUN-446665 - 2021.5.0

MUN-446666 - 2021.6.0

MUN-445696 - 2021.7.0

MUN-445826 - 2022.2.0

Additional Information

Current workaround would be to manually update the Pay Start Date as needed.Â