Department of Labor report for employee counts crossing the 12th of the month with number of female employees and teachers

Description of Issue

I need to report the number of employees who worked in a payroll crossing the 12th of the month, the number of female employees in that payroll and the number of teachers in that payroll

  • Payroll

  • Reporting



This report will show the number of employees in the payroll crossing the 12th of the month and the number of female employees:

  1. Open Payroll Start and Status

  2. Search for the warrant that cross the 12th of the month

  3. Click Earnings and Deduction Proof 

  4. Define the Proof Option as B-Detail Proof

  5. Flag "Print Payroll Statistics"

To see the number of teachers in that payroll:

  1. Open Payroll Detail History

  2. Search for the warrant and teachers Job Class

    1. Depending on how the Pay Codes are setup at your site, you can search for the Base Pay Code range to narrow down the search results

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