How to exclude employees from TX TRS Generate
I don't want some employees to be included in the Generate
How do I exclude employees from the Generate
How do I exclude employees from the TRS Generate
Employees are generating a record and shouldn't be
How do I exclude unpaid employees from TX TRS
TX TRS Report
TRS is expecting an RP20 record for all employees each month, and not just eligible employees, or employees receiving compensation within the reporting period.
This functionality should only be used to accommodate atypical setup scenarios, such as tracking vacancies through Payroll with "dummy" employee numbers.
If you're SURE you should be excluding employees, you can do so by creating an Employee Group code to assign to employees that applicable employees and definining the Group code on the TX TRS Generate screen.
Use the steps below.
Create an Employee Group code in Employee Group Master
Assign the Group code to the employees in the Employee Groups program
Define the Group code in the Emp Group to Exclude field on the TX TRS Generate screen