TCM Cannot Reset Master Password Error 401

Description of Issue

When you attempt to reset the master password for the user tcmadmin in TylerCM for Munis Settings you receive the error Unable to update the Tylercm master settings Failed to submit Munis web service url: HTTP Error 401

  • Munis
  • TCM
  • tcmadmin
  • Enterprise ERP

The password for the tcmadmin user needs to be reset in TCM

  1. Login to the full TCM client as the admin user. How to Access and Launch the TCM Full Client
    1. Go to Administration
      1.  Go to Security Manager
        1. Scroll down and double click the user tcmadmin
          1. Click Change Password
          2. Set the password to what is listed in DPS for the user tcmadmin 
            1. click Change Password
  2. Reset the Master Password by following How to Reset Master Password and Rebuild TCM Caches
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