Rhode Island Report Export missing account numbers

Description of Issue

Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) export is missing some accounts.

  • Financials

  • Rhode Island

  • Rhode Island Report Export

  • Segment Translations


Account was not fully mapped

  1. Select Segment Translations

  2. Choose the Segment to map from the drop down

  3. Review mapping for the account 

Additional Information

Rhode Island Report Export requires that all accounts are fully mapped in Fund, Sub Fund, Location, Function, Program, Subject Object and Job Class. 

RIDE UCOA Accounting Manual available here under the UCOA Accounting Manual & Coding Workbook heading: https://www.ride.ri.gov/fundingfinance/schooldistrictfinancialdata/uniformchartofaccounts.aspx#la-18211074-ucoa-accounting-manual--coding-workbook