Payment Entry CalculateBillInstallmentLineAmountsOnTheFly has too many arguments specified

Description of Issue

Payment Entry error occurs while entering miscellaneous receipts.

Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import errors while processing.

  • An exception has occurred within MiscellaneousPaymentInterface.displayMiscellanousPaymentInterface

  • Procedure or function CalculateBillInstallmentLineAmountsOnTheFly expects parameter ErrorCode, which was not supplied

  • Error executing calculateBillInstallmentLineAmountsOnTheFly

  • Procedure or function CalculateBillInstallmentLineAmountsOnTheFly has too many arguments specified

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Entry

  • Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

  • Miscellaneous Receipts


The following error can be due to missing code or a failed alter during a code load


Ensure that all available code has been loaded.

If still experiencing an issue while entering payments, contact Munis Revenue Support for further assistance. 

Additional Information