GA School Nutrition Import Error Munis glgalnch err- mesg System Log ID

Description of Issue

Select Import in the GA School Lunch/School Nutrition program and getting a message that Errors have occurred. Import was unsuccessful

GA School Lunch Import Error, Munis (glgalnch) err- mesg System Log ID

  • Financials

  • Georgia

  • School Nutrition DE106 Reporting



The error may be a result of installing (master) work ticket MUN-429777, which made the Export to Excel column header order match the Import to Excel column header order, allowing you to Export to Excel, make changes and then use the same file to Import to Excel.  However, the column header formatting was inadvertently changed for the Import to Excel file.  Where column headers in the Import file previously had to be all caps, they now need to be case sensitive.  We apologize for the ensuing frustration.

To move forward, please confirm the following:

  • Column headers need match the header columns produced from the Export to Excel file., as follows

    • Reporting Year

    • Reporting Period

    • Description

    • School Number

    • Position Range

    • Amount

  • Import file should only have one tab/worksheet. 

  • Check file for bad data or hidden fields.

Additional Information

Under (master) enhancement work ticket MUN-473721 we will standardize the export/import process.