Where does Earnable Compensation Generate from in the GA Teachers Retirement Report

Description of Issue

Where does Earnable Compensation come from for GA TRS reporting?

  • Payroll

  • Georgia

  • GA Employer Teacher Retirement Report



Sum of Employee Gross in Accumulators, for the Reporting Month and Year, based on Deduction Ranges defined on the Generate screen.

  1. If the employee has amounts for deduction codes defined as Post-tax EECON, the sum of gross from those Post-tax EECON deductions is used.

  2. If the sum of gross for those deductions is 0, then the sum of gross from the employee's deduction codes defined as Pre-tax EECON is used.

  3. If the sum of gross for Pre-tax EECON is 0, then the sum of gross from the employee's deduction codes defined as ERCON is used.

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