Blended Overtime Pay Code is not including the Overtime Hours or Amount in the Blend Calculation

Description of Issue
  • Our Blended Overtime calculation is not including all the hours in the total hours. It appears to not be including the hours that get created for the OT pay code. 

  • When adding up the total hours from the 28-day OT cycle the total hours that moved into the payroll from Time Entry do not match the number of hours the blended overtime code is using. 

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Pay Master

  • Assign Blended Rate Pay Types 


In the Assign Blended Rate Pay Types screen the option for Include Overtime Values was set to No, do not include the Overtime Pay Values

  1. Go to Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the blended OT pay code. Click Accept. 

  3. Click the Assign Pay Types button next to the Category Code. 

  4. Within the Assign Blended Rate Pay Types screen, click Update. 

  5. Under Include Overtime Values, select the option for Yes, include Overtime Hours and Amount (recalculated)

  6. Click Accept. 

  7. Click Return. Click Accept. 

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