Tyler Workflow Connectivity Failing - Error starting TSB Communicator

Description of Issue

Tyler Workflow Connectivity check fails.  VHost defined in RabbitMQ will not connect and may be inaccessible. Windows Event log entries will evidence error messages similar to these:

Message:  Error starting TSB communicator: One or more errors occurred. > Connect failed: twfuserXXXXtrain@XXXX.domain.com:Port/twf_XXXX_train > None of the specified endpoints were reachable > Connection failed > No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 

Message: ERROR net.executime.workflow.service.workflow.impl.WorkflowConnectivityService (default task-25) Error creating or sending REST request to https://<server>.domain.com/XXXX<env>/tylerworkflow/Api/api/DiagnosticSummary?level=basic. I/O error on GET request for "https://<server>.domain.com/XXXX<env>/tylerworkflow/Api/api/DiagnosticSummary": Read timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

  • Tyler Workflow

  • Error starting TSB communicator errors in event log

  • vhost defined in RabbitMQ will not connect

  • Virtual Host experienced an error on node rabbit@xxxx and may be inaccessible 


The RabbitMQ DB/Msg_stores have become corrupt for the defined vhost.


Please reach out to ExecuTime TSM Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

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