Percentage based pay code is not including other percentage based pays

Description of Issue

When using a calc code 93 pay code if there are other percentage pays in the defined pays folder they are not being included in the calculation

  • HRM

  • Payroll

  • Pay Master


When percentage based pay code calculations happen they calculate in order of pay code number. An example of this is pay 201 would calculate before 202,202 would calculate before 203. If our final percentage pay has a lower pay code number than the pays defined in the pays to include folder, the calculation won't bring in the amount since it hasn't been calculated yet. 


To set the final percentage pay as a higher pay code number

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Setup > Pay Master

  2. Search for the last pay code of the calculation - this should be the one that is a percentage of other percentage based pay codes

  3. Note how the pay was setup, then Delete the existing pay code

  4. Click Add and setup the pay code with a higher pay code than the other included percentage based pays

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