Employees reporting as Hourly in TN TCRS instead of Monthly

Description of Issue

Monthly employees are reporting as Hourly in TCRS.  Is there a way to correct this?

  • Payroll

  • Tennessee

  • TN TCRS Reporting


The Type of Rate of Pay is reflected on the EERP/Munis TCRS Period Record in the Rate Type field.

The Generate will pull this value from the Default Rate Type field on the TN Retirement Maintenance record, if a default has been defined.


If Pay Master Units value is 'H' (for Primary Job base pay): 00-Hourly

If Pay Master Units value 'M' or 'D' (for Primary Job base pay): 01-Monthly

If Pay Master Units value is 'A' (for Primary Job base pay): 02-Annual


Seeing hourly, this indicates that the primary base pay record in Employee Job/Salary has been defined as Hourly in the Units field on the Pay Master.

Review Employee Job/Salary primary base pay records and the correlating Pay Master record. 

Additional Information

The primary base pay record in Employee Job/Salary is the base pay with a Job Class matching the Job Class in Employee Master.Â