Transfer ribbon option in Receipt Inquiry is missing

Transfer ribbon option in Receipt Inquiry is missing

Description of Issue

Receipt Inquiry does not display the Transfer button in the ribbon.

Unable to transfer a payment within Receipt Inquiry.

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR

  • Receipt Inquiry

  • arrecinq

  • Transfer of Payments

  • artrnsfr


There are several possible reasons a transfer will be prevented on any given receipt.

  • The receipt is not a Payment-type receipt

  • The receipt is not in a reversible state

    • It has already been reversed or voided

    • It has already been transferred

    • AR Settings prevent reversals when subsequent activity exists... and subsequent activity exists on the bill

  • The receipt's batch is unposted

  • The user attempting the transfer does not have reversal permission


Development is currently researching the issue.

An enhancement will likely be made that will surface more information to the user whenever a transfer is not possible. One option being explored is to make the Transfer button visible on screen at all times but disable it when a transfer is not possible, with hover-text that explains why the transfer cannot be completed.

Additional Information