Report option missing from Project Revenue Allocation
Receiving the following error when running revenue allocation and reports are not being generated
Expense journal line(s) were found that qualify for revenue allocation but either have a journal sum of 0, or have validation errors. No allocation is necessary
Project Revenue Allocation
Project Master
Funding Source String
Issue occurs when the sum of the journal lines is zero for one expense type and the Max allocated amount is defined incorrectly
Work ticket MUN-445835 is open with development
As a work around you will need to update the Max Allocated amount to the expected amount based on the total allocation and percentage defined
To determine what the Max Allocated Amount should be
Sum the total allocation by Expense type and priority
Take the total allocation amount and multiple that by the percentage defined on each FS string for that same expense type and priority.
Update the Alloc Max Amount
Example - Two FS strings tied to expense type CONS - total max allocation amount is $500,000.00
FS string A - F100 set up for 80% and FS string A-F200 is set up for 20%
Max Allocated for A - F100 = 500,000 * 80% which would be $400,000.00
Max Allocated for A - F200 = 500,000 * 20% which would be $100,000.00