MICR Information Not Processing After Check is Scanned

Description of Issue
  • After scanning a check in Cashiering, the fields for Account Number, Check Number, and Routing Number are not populating, but the image of the front and back of the check scanned successfully.
  • The check, routing, and account number are not showing after scanning check.
  • The check, routing, and account number are not auto-populating after scanning check. 

Hardware Console logs may show the following error(s):

  • GetMicrText:ERR_NOT_EXEC
  • Error: Failed to read MICR
  • Hardware Console
  • MICR
  • Scanned Check Account Number
  • Scanned Check Routing Number
  • Scanned Check Check Number 
  • Epson TM-S900ii
  • Check Image

This is typically caused by insufficient permissions to the Hardware Console folder, or a Hardware Console installation conflict.

  1. Open the Hardware Console and check the version number, found in the top right corner
  2. If there are conflicting versions installed, fully uninstall the old version: How to Uninstall Cashiering Client or Hardware Console
  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies and check for old Cashiering installation folders
  4. Install correct version of the Hardware Console: How to Install Cashiering Hardware Console
  5. Once only the correct version is installed, the Users group MUST have Modify permissions to the Hardware Console folder
    1. Navigate to Cashiering installation directory
      1. Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Tyler Cashiering
      2. 2021.1.11+ and 2021.6+: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Cashiering (Web)
    2. Right click on the Hardware Console folder
    3. Click Properties
    4. Click the Security tab
    5. Click Edit
    6. Click on Users (may be Authenticated Users) to see what permissions that group has
    7. Under the Allow column, check off Modify
    8. Click OK
    9. Click OK
  6. After granting Modify permissions, restart the Hardware Console: How to Restart Cashiering Hardware Console
Additional Information

Note: When testing the MICR feature, an actual check or an official sample check needs to be used. A printed photo of a check will not work.

If other features of the printer work successfully, printer drivers typically do not need to be uninstalled and reinstalled. If everything else checks out and the issues persists, reinstalling drivers is an appropriate option. Please see the following resource for instructions on reinstalling drivers: Error Initializing Epson TM-S9000 in Hardware Console

How to Uninstall Cashiering Client or Hardware Console

How to Install Cashiering Hardware Console

Check if Process MICR is enabled:

  1. Log into Cashiering with an Administrator account
  2. Navigate to Administration > Tender Types
  3. Click the pencil icon for the applicable Check type
  4. Click Advanced tab
  5. Check if Process MICR is toggled on
  6. If not, toggle on and click Save