Print ReadyForms in black and white

Description of Issue

How to set up ReadyForms forms to print in black and white instead of color. 

  • ReadyForms
  • Enterprise Forms
  • Tyler Forms
  • Templates
  • Printing

ReadyForms template background and font colors are customizable within the Form Design tab when editing templates. When these fields are set to colors other than black and white, the form will print in color.

  1. Navigate to the ReadyForms Template Configuration page
    1. Tyler Hub > Tyler Menu > ReadyForms > ReadyForms Administration
  2. Select the form category from the left-hand menu
  3. Select the template to edit, or create a new template
    1. How to create a new template with Enterprise Forms
  4. Under the Form Design tab, set all background and font hexadecimal colors to black and white as desired
    1. Black is 000000, and white is FFFFFF
  5. Save the template and repeat on other form templates as needed
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