Maryland Personal Property selective bill print finder records not created

Description of Issue

Unable to print MD personal property bills with the Selective Print Bills or Print Bills by Account programs

MD PP selective print finder records were not created by Generate Accounts Receivable process

  • MD Property Tax Billing

  • Personal Property

  • Generate Accounts Receivable

  • Print Bills

  • Print Bills by Account

  • 2017.1+


There is a known issue with the personal property Generate Accounts Receivable program not creating Selective Bill Print finder records for new bills in 2017.1+


Development is currently researching the issue. Install MUN-297934 once available

No current workaround other than to manually add the print finder records using the Choose Bills button. Otherwise, contact Munis Tax Support

Additional Information

For more information on how the Selective Bill Print works, see the following article: How to use the Maryland Selective Bill Print Choose Bills option to print bills