Hosted Tyler Hub Sites Repeatedly Refreshing After Login

Description of Issue

Hub is refreshing over and over after logging in

  • Tyler Hub

  • Google Chrome 80

  • SaaS

  • SameSite

  • Tyler ID

  • TID


Issue is related to Google Chrome cross domain cookie handling SameSite attribute change in Chrome Version 80 effecting TylerID


Request for Tyler Identity and Tyler Hub  to be upgraded to version 2020.X.X in all environments through the Support Portal


  1. Launch Google Chrome

  2. In the URL type in Chrome://settings

    1. Alternatively, click on the three columned dots on the top right of Chrome

    2. Select Settings

  3. Click on Cookies and other site data

  4. Select Block third-party cookies in incognito or Allow all cookies

  5. Restart Chrome

Alternate Workaround:

  1. Browse to chrome://flags/

  2. Locate SameSite by default cookies in list

  3. Update to Disabled

  4. Select Relaunch in lower right hand corner

  5. Open Google Chrome

For page looping in Incognito:

  1. Browse to chrome://settings/cookies

  2. Under General Settings check Allow all cookies