Tyler Cashiering Giving Cash Back With Credit Card Payments

Description of Issue

Tyler Cashiering giving cash back with Credit Card Payments 

  • Tyler Cashiering 2020.1.9.2

  • Real-Time Authorization

  • Crediting a Balance 

  • Giving Cash Back 



It is critical to confirm the following before disabling Real-Time Authorization 

  • Recommended to be performed after hours

  • No one in the site is processing Credit Card Payments during this time

  • No one in the site will process Credit Card Payments during this time

It is critical to re-enable Real-Time Authorization after testing 

  1. Tyler Cashiering<Administration<Tender Types

  2. Click the pencil icon next to Credit Card Tender Type

  3. Click the Advanced Tab

  4. Disable Real-Time Authorization

  5. Click Save

  6. Re-Enable Real- Time Authorization after testing

Additional Information