Workers Compensation report showing incorrect Premium Rates

Description of Issue

The Premium Rates on the Worker's Comp report are not showing the correct rates from the worker's comp deduction codes. 

  • Payroll

  • Employee Deductions

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Risk Codes 


The Premium Rates pull from the Risk Codes program. 


To see the rates currently defined on the Risk Codes:

  1. Go to Risk Codes (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Risk Codes)

  2. Search for the Risk Code and note the premium rate.

Additional Information
  • The Premium Rate will pull from the Risk Code at the time the report is run. It does not look back at a historical rate. 

  • The pay data on the reports is a historical representation based off the pay code and amounts processed through the payroll that had a risk code attached.Â