Automatic proration on business licenses

Description of Issue

License fees not prorating automatically

  • Business License

  • Business Types

  • Proration Schedule


Proration schedule not established or not copied into new year

  1. Navigate to the Business Types program:  Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Business Types

  2. Search for the business type that you want to automatically prorate

  3. Click the Prorate Schedule folder at the bottom

    1. If creating for the first time:

      1. click Add

      2. fill in the Bill Year, Dates and Amount fields

    2. If schedule already exists but needs to be copied to new bill year:

      1. click Copy

      2. enter Define

      3. enter Model Year and Target Year

      4. click Accept

      5. click Copy

      6. click Back

  4. Click Accept

Additional Information