Assessing late payment penalties on business license bills

Assessing late payment penalties on business license bills

Description of Issue

Need to apply late fee to Business License bills.

  • Business License

  • Late Payment Penalty




Business license bills can be charged penalties two ways:

Option 1 is with on-the-fly penalties that populate on the bill automatically on the penalty date that is set when the bill is created.

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Charge Codes

    1. Create a category 55 - BUSINESS LICENSES charge code with an activity type: PEN - PENALTY

    2. Check that your principle charge codes that you want to charge penalties on has the Subject to penalty box checked off and update if necessary

  2. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Business Types

    1. Search for a business type that you wish to add late penalties to

    2. Click the Penalties folder at the bottom

    3. Click Add 

    4. Enter Year or leave set to zero for all years

    5. Use the ellipsis to locate the penalty charge code that you want to use

    6. Click Accept

    7. Click Accept again

    8. Click Back

Option 2 is to apply penalties manually using the Assess Late Payment Penalty program:

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Charge Codes

    1. Create a category 55 - BUSINESS LICENSES charge code with an activity type: FEE - POST BILLING FEES

    2. Check that your principle charge codes that you want to charge penalties on has the Subject to penalty box checked off and the Omit from Assess Late Payment Penalty Process unchecked.

  2. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > License Processing and Reports > Assess Late Payment Penalty

Additional Information