Suggested Pay Code ranges
What ranges should specific pay codes fall within? For example, what range should be used for a base pay or stipend pay?
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Pay Master
Unlike Deductions, there are not set ranges that need to be used for specific Pay Codes. However, it is generally suggested that similar Pay Codes be grouped within the same ranges, which will usually be determined during implementation when Pay Codes are first set up. Payroll Support offers recommendations on how these should be grouped, but this is solely for the purpose of clarity and organization. Going outside of the recommended Pay Code ranges will not cause any functionality issues.
Recommended ranges:
100-199: Base Pay (Suggest 100-149 as Salaried/Annual, and 150-199 as Hourly/Daily)
200-299: Overtime Pay
300-399: Vacation Pay (300-599 recommended for accruals in general)
400-499: Sick Pay
500-599: Personal Pay
600-699: Longevity Pay
700-799: Coach Pay, Supplemental Pays (usually regularly paid or lump sums)
800-899: Shift Differential, Other Differentials (usually for which hours need to be entered)
900-949: Non-Cash Pays
950-999: Retro Pays