Import Work Schedules in Employee Job Salary

Import Work Schedules in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

Is there a way to import Work Schedule Codes and/or Work Days into Existing Employee Job/Salary records?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Employee Import


  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary.

  2. Click Search and enter necessary criteria to pull the employees and pay codes that will need to be updated to bring them into a find set.

  3. Click Excel.

  4. Use the Export filter to export Employee Number, Job Class, Pay Code, Effective Date, Work Schedule Code, and any Work Days, if needed.

  5. Once exported, add the Work Schedule Codes as needed to the line for each employee, and put Y or N for Work Days.

    1. Y indicates it is a work day.

    2. N indicates it is not a work day.

  6. Add a column to the file for Action Flag and populate with U.

  7. Go to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import and click Custom Templates, choosing the Employee Pay Import.

  8. Click Create Template.

  9. Enter a name, use Browse to pull in file, and choose both Header Options.

    1. If file is saved as Excel, leave the Delimiter as None.

    2. If file is saved as CSV, select Other then put a comma in the field to the right.

  10. Click Upload.

  11. Ensure all column headers are populated using the white dropdown arrows.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Return to Employee Import and click Define.

  14. Choose Employee Pay Import, Template and File, and check Skip First Line.

  15. Click Accept.

  16. Choose PDF or Display to review proof.

  17. Return to Employee Import screen.

    1. Click Yes to post the changes. 

    2. Click No to cancel process.

Additional Information

Master Work Schedules cannot be imported and must be created manually.