When in Receipt Inquiry Tyler Cashiering Check Image is not showing in TCM

Description of Issue

Receipt Inquiry Tyler Cashiering Check Image TCM doc Type is not showing in TCM when selecting paperclip in top ribbon

When selecting to paperclip in the top ribbon we do not see Tyler Cashiering Check Image.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Munis

  • Content Manager

  • TCM

  • Receipt Inquiry

  • Tyler Cashiering


The only place to find Tyler Cashiering Check Image in Receipt Inquiry Program is from the Tenders tab. This is by design.

  1. Navigate to Tyler Menu > Enterprise ERP > Financials > Cash Management > Cash Receipt and Daily Processing >  Receipt Inquiry

  2. Search for a record using the Search button in the top ribbon

  3. Select the Tenders tab in the lower portion of the page

  4. Click on the paperclip icon within Tenders tab at the bottom of the screen

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