Update Wrong Cash Account via Payments Journal

Update Wrong Cash Account via Payments Journal

Description of Issue

Invalid number of dtdf accounts detected

  • Accounts Receivable Codes

  • Accounts Receivable Charge Codes

  • Payment Entry

  • Payments Journal


A due to due from set up does not exist between erroring funds because the wrong cash account is on one or more receipts in the batch


If the wrong cash account was assigned to the payment, the cash account can be updated in Payments Journal. Note, this will update the cash accounts on all receipts in the batch. If this results in unintended changes to receipts entered correctly, the batch will at least post without error, as long as the GL information is viable. Then the batch can be reversed once posted, and payments can be reentered correctly in a new batch.

  1. General Revenues > Payments journal

  2. Search for the batch

  3. Click the Cash Accounts tab

  4. Click Update

  5. Type in the new cash account in the New Cash OrgObj, and Proj fields

  6. Click Accept