Set up Automatic UB Payments in Process Automatic Payments

Set up Automatic UB Payments in Process Automatic Payments

Description of Issue

Set up Scheduler to automatically process utility payments


Enterprise ERP

Utility Billing CIS


How to set up automatic payments 


Navigate to: Enterprise ERP > Property Revenue > Payment Processing > Process Automatic Payments 

  1. Define

  2. Select Scheduler field option (Now, In background (now), At a scheduled time)

  3. Using the Selection Criteria fields, you can select bills by accounts receivable category, and then by ranges of bill dates, due dates, or collection start dates. Can Exclude partially paid records and/or  include unpaid balances. 

  4. Once bills have been selected, clicking View on the toolbar displays details of each item to be paid. This allows you to manually exclude an item if necessary. If a bill is selected that is excluded from automatic payments due to a special condition code, it is displayed but are not processed.

  5. Clicking Generate creates pending web payment receipts for each of the items being paid and submits payment transactions to Citizen Self Service where they are redirected to the payment gateway provider.

  6. Email confirmations are sent to each customer detailing the approved or rejected payments that were processed.

  7. Check Scheduler Queue program to review and modify jobs added. 

    1. You can access this program by going to Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Scheduler Administration > Schedular Queue

The Process Automatic Payments program is integrated with Enterprise ERP Scheduler so that you can schedule processing at your organization's preferred times.

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